Big Barnes Ponder

The Big Barnes Ponder of October 2013 helped shape Barnes as we know it today. Importantly, the exercise of the community coming together to shape our future has shown the positive influence we can have if we work as a team. 

Over the last ten years the community and businesses have together helped transform Barnes into a more thriving and diverse village with wide ranging cultural and environmental initiatives. Volunteers have worked with partners to deliver projects such as the new High Street scheme, Suffolk Road playground, the parklet, the outdoor events on Barnes Green, the 22 bus campaign and the re-routing of the 378, the rickshaw, the defibrillator phone box, the 20mph campaign, the Barnes Day Out destination project, the shop local campaign and mural project and much more.

In October 2023, ten years since the first Barnes Ponder, residents were invited back to share their views on the challenges we face today at the Big Barnes Ponder 2. Over 250 residents came to the Ponder events at the Barnes Green Centre on Saturday 14 October and at the Castelnau Community Centre the day before and we received 600 commented via our virtual map. The ideas and issues that residents shared have been grouped into six broad themes and a list of inspirational projects.

Read the full results of the Big Barnes Ponder 2

The Ponder 2 results were reported back to the community in January 2024 and residents volunteered to drive forward the initiatives identified through the process in six teams – One Barnes, High Streets Barnes, Placemaking Barnes, Safer Barnes, Green Barnes and Travel Barnes.  

Read the full list of Ponder 2 projects and initiatives

All six Ponder project teams come together twice a year at a Town Team meeting to talk about progress with their projects and plans for the future. Everyone is welcome to join us at a Town Team meeting and to join any of the project teams.

If you want more information about the Barnes Ponder please contact Emma Robinson

We need active citizens to make a difference!

Intro to Barnes Ponder 2:

Barnes on Suffolk Road:

Barnes on Transport:

Barnes on the High Street: