Pets as Therapy
Daisy the dog brightens up everybody's day at Kingston Hospital Pets as Therapy (PAT) dog, Daisy, brightens up staff and patients' days at Kingston Hospital. Daisy has been working as a PAT dog since August 2017. She is currently the only PAT dog at Kingston Hospital and the hospital are looking for more recruits.
Daisy regularly visits the Paediatric wards and visits patients at the Memory Café on Derwent Ward - one of the elderly care wards. Staff and patients love to see Daisy; she brings a smile to everybody's face - patients who have dogs at home and those who have been in hospital for a long period of time find seeing Daisy a real home comfort.
Having a visit from Daisy gives patients a very calming and therapeutic experience and is something they look forward to in their day. Daisy also has had requests to visit the Trust's staff day nursery and the Emergency Department.
Daisy owner Robert Markless said, "Volunteering just a small amount of spare time each week with your dog brings comfort, joy and companionship to many patients/staff who appreciate being able to touch and stroke a friendly animal. It's been personally very enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested."
If you have a dog and would like to volunteer your time to visit patients and staff, please contact the Hospital's Volunteering Team